Getting right to the confessions....
-I made this candy tonight. But don't be fooled by the photo below mine look nothing like these! I couldn't find square pretzels so I bought the regular twisted shape. I was convinced this would be the easiest candy ever and started making them about 9:30pm. Did I underestimate the amount of time it would take to unwrap those kisses? Yep. Then, it took forever to bake and melt. But before that I sent half my cookie sheet of pretzel-kiss stacks flying when I put them into the oven and of course sent them flying again as I took them out. I was able to put the M&Ms in without problems, thank goodness! Then it was taking forever again for the kisses to re-harden. They are now sitting in the refrigerator and I have eaten way too many of the "not so pretty ones".
Photo from FamilyFun Website |