April 25, 2013

Confessions: Almost-May Edition

I'm linking with E, Myself and I here today for her Midweek Confessions. Oh, I had so many thoughts to share but then I decided it would be best to pack lunches and get a shower tonight so I wouldn't have to rush tomorrow morning. Trying to be productive...and I'll still be running to bus duty as the bell is ringing tomorrow morning. 

~ I've come up with a few new ideas for my 30 before 30 list. Will plan to update that list on the blog soon.

~ I love my leopard print house shoes. No one else seems to think they are cute but I love them and they are so comfy. Hardwood floors are pretty but they are cold, even when it's hot outside!

~ Our cat hasn't felt very well lately. Nothing major but, gosh, I wish he could talk and just tell me what is wrong! I guess kids are the same way but .... so nerve wracking!

~ Only 23 more days until summer vacation! Lots of good stuff there! This will be the first summer that I will get a pay check and be off at the same time. 

~ Hubby will be finishing his masters degree this summer. YAY! Will be so glad when that is over! I have to get busy thinking about throwing a little grad party for him.

~ I wish I could design really awesome blog backgrounds and such. But I can't. Oh well.

~ How is it almost May? I know school is almost out and all but sieriously....May starts next week! YAY!


Sarah said...

Oh I feel your pain about rushing in the mornings -- especially to bus duty. I've got that additional joy as well, and all too often I find myself getting outside AFTER 2 or 3 buses have already arrived...

E said...

I'm obsessed with leopard print shoes! I actually just ordered a pair myself and plan to wear them ALL the time! :) Thanks for linking!