Avent Free Flow Pacifiers
I heard lots of people say not to give pacis at all. I certainly wasn't opposed to their use but I wasn't ready to give Samuel a paci the day he was born. I waited until the next evening when he was having so much blood drawn for the bilirubin test. The hospital gave us the large Soothie pacis and Samuel hated them! Once we got home I raided my paci basket and found these. We haven't used any others since then. The Avent Free Flow are made to have extra air flow so it doesn't irritate baby's mouth. Samuel loves the little handle and likes to hold it himself.
Aden and Anais Blanket

Summer Infant Swaddle Me Blankets
We practiced and practiced swaddling during our newborn care class and in the hospital and never seemed to get the swaddle tight enough to contain Samuel. These solved all our problems! The first evening we were home we used this but unfortunately got some spit up on it. Thankfully Walmart and Target both sell these and we quickly added 3 more to our stash.
Dr. Brown Bottles

Formula Mixing Pitcher
Makes mixing a day's worth of formula fast and easy. Less bubbles and just fill your bottles as you need them without having to scoop powder. I haven't used this a lot since Samuel seems to do better with ready to feed right now. I know this will get lots and lots more use in the coming months.
I registered for this bag and received it as a gift. The original price is almost $80 but it has been on sale for $30 for the last few months. I love the wipe-able fabric and the cross body strap. It's plenty big enough for a couple of outfits, bottles, diapers, my wallet and more. I have a Vera Bradley diaper bag that I'll be switching out with this one as we start going more places. Not sure you can ever have too many purses ... or diaper bags!
Huggies Diapers
We used these in the hospital and I'd planned on using the diapers I'd been gifted - all different brands. These are unscented and Pampers aren't. The Pampers caused an allergic reaction and now I'm Huggies all the time. I do prefer the tabs on the Huggies as the are more velcro like and therefore more adjustable during middle of the night sleepy diaper changes.